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57 Ways To Express Knowledge And Related Concepts

57 Ways to Express Knowledge and Related Concepts

Synonyms for Knowledge

  1. Lore
  2. Wisdom
  3. Expertise
  4. Information
  5. Awareness
  6. Data
  7. Evidence
  8. Science
  9. Cognition
  10. Comprehension
  11. Understanding
  12. Insight
  13. Erudition
  14. Scholarship
  15. Learning
  16. Sagacity
  17. Know-how
  18. Ken
  19. Culture
  20. Illumination
  21. Enlightenment
  22. Revelation
  23. Discovery
  24. Intuition
  25. Perception
  26. Fact
  27. Truth
  28. Certainty
  29. Belief
  30. Opinion
  31. Hypothesis
  32. Theory
  33. Doctrine
  34. Dogma
  35. Creed
  36. Knowledge base
  37. Encyclopedia
  38. Dictionary
  39. Textbook
  40. Manual
  41. Guidebook
  42. Handbook
  43. Treatise
  44. Monograph
  45. Journal article
  46. Research paper

Antonyms for Knowledge

  1. Ignorance
  2. Folly
  3. Stupidity
  4. Unawareness
  5. Nescience
  6. Error
  7. Mistake
  8. Delusion
  9. Illusion
  10. Superstition

Related Words

  • Epistemology: the study of knowledge
  • Gnosiology: another term for epistemology
  • Cognition: the mental process of acquiring knowledge
  • Ontology: the study of the nature of existence, including knowledge
  • Metaphysics: the study of the fundamental nature of reality, including knowledge

Example Sentences

The professor shared his knowledge of ancient history with his students.

The wisdom of the elders helped guide the younger generations.

The expertise of the surgeon ensured a successful operation.

The information provided by the witness was crucial to the investigation.

The data collected by the researchers supported the hypothesis.

The evidence presented in court proved the defendant's guilt.
